Pastoral care Chaplaincy program
DC Alliance Empowering Homicide Survivors, Inc is committed to the development of a pastoral care team consisting of ordained, licensed ministers and seminary students 25+ years of age who are committed to serving families in the District of Columbia and Metropolitan areas with support, healing, and comfort for a period of one year. Our goal is to provide resources, information, assistance, support, hope, and love to families affected by domestic violence and homicide through a series of programs, services, and support systems including but not limited to:
​Home Visitation
Hospital Visitation
Burial Assistance
Clothing for the Decedent for Funeral
Counseling Concerning Financial Contributions for Funeral
Hospice Outreach for Families
Counseling Resources and Referral Services
Continuum of Ministerial Care for One Year
DC Alliance offers Chaplaincy Spiritual Care Seminars for those who desire the biblical and educational tools and resources to enhance divine healing mentally and spiritually. These educational trainings are mandatory for our Pastoral Care Team and have included such subjects as:
Roles, Duty, and Responsibilities as a Hospice Chaplain. Instructor, Reverend Goyan Clarke
Multi-Generational Patterns for Families-Bereavement Interventions Around Intergenerational Issues. Instructor, Ms. Pamela Hammond, RN, Case Manager
The Aftermath of Death-Psychology of Self. Instructor, Pastor Alphonso Lewis, MHS, LCPC, LPC, CSC, NCC, CSC, AD.
Anticipatory Grief Related to Psychosocial Death. Instructor, Rev. Dr. Marisha Stewart, Ph.D.
Confronting the Behavior and Protecting its Targets. Instructor, Rev. Dr. Willie J. Barr Jr., Ph.D.
Alcoholism and Drug Dependence as Primary Illnesses. Rev. Dr. Michael Nettle, D.Min., Ed., LPC, LCPC, MAC, SAP.
Our goal is to recruit trained volunteers who reflect the cultural and racial diversity of the residents in the District of Columbia and its outlying metropolitan areas. We aim to strengthen the crisis intervention services provided to co-victims of homicide in the community, maintaining continuity of service as a one-stop service entity, thus decreasing the inconsistency of information disseminated to victims regarding services and service providers. We know that the way people cope as victims of crime depends on their experiences immediately following the crime. Those receiving effective support and referral are more likely to eventually rebuild healthy, joyful, productive lives. Those who do not are at higher risk of beginning a downward spiral into despair, substance abuse, school failure, family breakup, unemployment, retributive violence, and completed suicide. Providing victims with the knowledge that they are not alone, and that help is available can mean the difference between life and death. DCAEHS has a proven track record in assisting families and co-victims through our pastoral care program.

Pastoral Care Chaplaincy Training and Clinical Education
Extensive clinical and educational trainings for chaplains, community members, and first responders in grief counseling and trauma survival psychology. Currently includes Raw Talk Anger Management Trainings, quarterly clinical trainings, monthly sessions, a dedicated prayer line and more.
First Responder Assistance
Assists family with initial trauma including body identification, autopsy, and related documentation. Follows the family for one year.

Adult Peer Mentoring
Our trained volunteers work with domestic violence survivors and homicide families as Victims Advocates providing clients with information and referrals upon request. Through sharing their stories and releasing the emotional trauma associated with victimization, survivors gain strength and courage to continue fighting against the violence that caused them pain.

Victim Impact & Court Advocacy
Assist in preparation of the victim statement. Accompany domestic violence victims and families of homicide victims to court where possible. May also include pro bono legal counsel.

Prayer Line & Spiritual Services
DCAEHS offers spiritual enrichment including pastoral counseling, holy communion for inmates at the DC Jail, a prayer helpline, and talk therapy. We have also offered mental health services in cooperation with MedStar Southern Maryland Hospital, and received the 2019 Volunteer of the Year Award given by the DC Department of Corrections for service excellence. Virtual Interfaith Fellowship is also provided for seniors, the un-housed, the incarcerated, and mental health facilities every Sunday. Prayer Helpline, 240-988-3483, is available 7 days a week from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm.
Monthly and Quarterly Training
DCAEHS Inc. provides monthly and quarterly trainings for its pastoral care team and the Washington DC and its metropolitan communities. Potential clients can attend at $25.00 per session. Speakers are always professional and competent in their areas of expertise. For additional information on any upcoming events contact DCAEHS Inc. at 240-899-4669 (DC) or 301-445-7277 (MD).